Resort Repairs is your Authorized
Andersen Window Trained Repair Company
for Sussex, Wicomico and Worcester County

Andersen Windows limited warranty is known throughout the industry as one of the most comprehensive and reliable product backing policies available. Andersen products feature a 20-year limited warranty on glass and a 10-year limited warranty on non-glass parts. The limited warranty is non-prorated and fully transferable, so it stays intact even if the home changes ownership.

Coastal weather can be hard on beach home windows and doors. Sand, salt and wind combine wear on exterior surfaces. Call Resport Repairs today to discuss your Andersen window and door repair. We are the only Authorized Service Provider in the resort beaches areas of Maryland and Delaware. Resort Repairs is ready to put our 16 years of experience to work for you!

Resort Repairs
P.O. Box 876
Ocean View, Delaware 19970
Call or Tap: (302)539-0888
Email: [email protected]