Cultures of Latin bride receptions explained
There is one thing that all Latin American nations have in common despite their vast distinctions: a love of joyous festivities and respect for family and friends. Latin Americans are renowned for their distinctive way of celebrating, whether it be with elaborate clothing or standard food
Around are 4 entertaining greeting customs to keep in mind for couples planning a Spanish bride.
It is customary for the groom to give his bride 13 gold coins ( called arras ) as a wedding gift throughout much of Spain and Latin America. These bride coins represent Christ and his twelve prophets, as well as the vicar’s pledge to provide for his future wedding with financial support.
Additionally, during a dance called El Baile del Billete, which means” the money dance,” it is very common for guests to use safety pins to pin money to the couple during the wedding reception. This custom you continue four to five music, depending on how many individuals want to party with the bride or groom!
Additionally, it is crucial for the few that they are surrounded by their loved ones during their wedding. Padrinos and madrinas are therefore frequently present at a couple’s wedding ceremony. These are frequently unique individuals who serve as the couple’s godparents and may assist with some of the more formal ceremony day activities, like el lazo or las arras. Before and after the couple’s huge day, the padrinos and madrinas serve as mentors.